Serial No. | Project Name | Status |
1 | Ethnography of 8 PVTG of Jharkhand | Ongoing |
2 | Research Study on Human Trafficking in Jharkhand | Ongoing |
3 | Evaluation-Utilization of TSP Funds for 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18 | Ongoing |
4 | Evaluation Study of JTELP | Ongoing |
5 | Compendium of Tribal Medicinal Practices – Santhal, Munda and Oraon (2 years) | Ongoing |
6 | Archival, non archival and oral source based compilation and analysis of Bir Budhu Bhagat and revolt of 1831-32 | Ongoing |
7 | Santal Hul | Ongoing |
8 | Archival, non archival and oral sources based compilaton and analysis on "Santal Pargana (Damin-i-Kah) from 1765 to 1853 before Santal Hul (East India Company in Bhagalpur-Importance of Rajmahal in governance of East India Company-Permanent Settlement-Paharia Revolt-Myth of Tilka Manjhi (Jabra Paharia)-Extension of Railways | Ongoing |
9 | Jaipal Singh Munda | Ongoing |
10 | Tamar Revolt | Ongoing |
11 | Documentary on Tribes of Jharkhand: To prepare short documentary (30-50 mins) on MalPaharia,Sauria Paharia ,Pahariya,Banjara and Khond depicting their cultures,customs,festivals and traditions | Ongoing |
12 | Video Documentary on KARMA & SOHRAI Festival | Ongoing |
Serial No. | Project Name | Status |
1 | Effectiveness of Mid Day Meal Scheme to reduce malnutrition : A comparative study | Ongoing |
2 | Ethnographic study of 10 tribe of Jharkhand | Ongoing |
3 | कंवर, बनजारा, बथुडी, बिनझिया जनजाति | Ongoing |
4 | किसान, गोंड, कोरा जनजाति | Ongoing |
5 | कोल, गोराईत, खोण्ड जनजाति | Ongoing |
6 | Study of the social institutions among tribal's continuity and change (i.e. Akhra, Dhumkuriya etc.) | Ongoing |
7 | Study on existing nature of right's of tribal women in Jharkhand with reference to land-socio-economic-religious and property rights | Ongoing |
8 | Nutrition and Genetic studies on Sabar tribe of Kolhan region | Ongoing |
9 | Study of Millets production and consumption pattern in last 20 years (millets in farm and on plates) | Ongoing |
10 | In search of self and identity and analysing socio-cultural-financial-Psychology status of Tribal women as a second wife of Non tribe men in Jharkhand | Ongoing |
11 | Study of tribal women and girls of Jharkhand in Sports- Extending limits to physical expression, establishing identity, expression establishing identity, honour, economic security | Ongoing |
12 | Audio –Video ,Paper Documentation of tribal songs and dance in birth, marriage, agriculture, festivals , death ceremony and publication of coffee table book | Ongoing |
13 | Study on the socio-economic-cultural-religious aspects of Jharkhand Tribal people residing in Andaman and Nicobar with special reference to change in their livelihood pattern & AV documentary | Ongoing |
Serial No. | Project Name | Status |
1 | Migration Study: Labour History of Jharkhand to South Pacific, Caribbean, South East Asia & within the country in various sectors. | Ongoing |
2 | Tribal Art Socio-Cultural & Historical Study: A Historical Study of eastern tribal dynasties: Nal, Tung, and Bhanj. | Ongoing |
3 | Livelihood Research Studies: A Study on food security nutrition and climate-resilient agro practices relating to traditional millets & Crops based on various health indicators. (3 Districts-8 TSP Blocks | Ongoing |
4 | Livelihood Research Studies: Value Chain analysis of four Minor Forest Products (Tamarind, Sal seed, Lac, Chiraunji) | Ongoing |
5 | Evaluation Studies: Evaluation study of various development and welfare Schemes among the PVTG’s of Jharkhand. | Ongoing |
6 | Evaluation Studies: An analytical study of tribal students dropouts and transition rates in Rural as well as Urban Schools. | Ongoing |
7 | Evaluation Studies: Evaluation Study of Pre-Matric Scholarship programs among the schedule tribe. | Ongoing |
8 | Strengthening of TRI: Benchmark Survey and Developing Tribal Development Index. | Ongoing |
9 | Tribal Art Socio-Cultural & Historical Study: An Ethnographic Study of Minor Schedule Tribe Baiga, Bedia, Chero, Kharwar and Bhumij. | Ongoing |
10 | Preservation of Cultural Heritage: A Literary Study, audio & video documentation of festivals, dance and song of Birhor, Korwa, Santhal and Brijia. | Ongoing |
11 | A Literary Study, Audio-video documentationof Traditional of Traditional and Endangered Musical Instruments of Jharkhand. | Ongoing |
12 | A litreary study, Audio-Video documentation of Folklore and Dance of Munda and HO. | Ongoing |